

Список экипажа крейсера HMS Exeter согласно сайта ветеранов Соединения Z(Интернет)


Всего - 769 чел.

Погибли 27 февраля 1942 года - 14 чел.

Погибли 1 марта 1942 года - 40 чел.

Спасены и попали в плен - 715 чел.

Умерли в плену - 153 чел.

Еще о троих достоверные сведения отсутствуют.


HMS Exeter Crew members


Список сокращений


ab or as - able seaman or able bodied seaman - матрос 1-го кл.

air fitter - авиатехник

airman - пилот

artr - artificer - оружейный техник

band master - капельмейстер

blacksmith - кузнец

boy - юнга

canteen manager - зав. кораб. лавкой

chaplain - капелан, кораб. священник

coder - шифровальщик

com - commander - коммандер

cook - кок

cpl - corporal - капрал

elect - электрик

eng - инженер

gunnery officer - артиллерийский офицер

joiner - столяр

kia - kill in action - убит в бою (дата)

It - lieutenant - лейтенант

marine- мор. пех.

master at arms - старшина кораб. полиции

mech - механик

mid - midshipman - кораб. гардемарин

m p - military police - военная полиция

painter - маляр

plumber - трюмный специалист

р о - petty officer - старшина

powl - prisoner of war, leaving home - военноплен./вернулся домой

powf- prisoner of war, fatality - военноплен./умер в плену

sailmaker - парусный мастер

schoolmaster - преподаватель

shipwt - shipwright - кораб. плотник

sig - signalman - сигнальщик

sgt - sergeant - сержант мор.пех.

sqn Idr - squadron leader - ком-р эскадрильи

steward - стюард, вестовой

st - stoker - котельный машинист

surv survivor - спасенный, беженец

tel - telegraphist - телеграфист

raf - royal air force - кор. ввс - пилот, авиатехник

warrant - wo - старший, уоррент офицер

we- war correspondent - военный корреспондент

wia - wounded in action - ранен в бою

wireman - радист, электрик

yeoman of the signals - старшина сигнальщиков

1 - first class - 1-й класс

2 - second class - 2-й класс

* - члены экипажа крейсера Exeter, прежде служившие на лин­коре Prince of Wales.


Name Rank Comments


acott louis f h cpo pow 1

adams hea'dley musician pow I

adams thomas John george po pow 1

addis william thomas ab pow f

aindow Frederick Idg sea pow I

ainsworth thomas* sto2c kia 01.03.42

alien graeme philip mid pow 1

alien henry vernon ab pow f

alien reginald waiter tele pow Г

alien ronald j boy I c pow I

allsopp william henry eraSc kia 27.02.42

anderson alexander ab pow f

anderson edward John cmech pow I

andrews thomas a Idg slo pow 1

andrews william lewis eralc pow f

angus John Idg sto pow I

anson peter* mid pow I

asher cecil anthony boy sea pow I

attewell danton era4c pow 1

ayre thomas william steward kia 01.03.42

bacon richard s stole pow 1

badger wilfred h stole pow 1

bailey william e ord tele pow 1

baillie william a ord sea pow 1

ball John william george Idg sto pow f

ball richard gregson marine pow f

ballentyrne John s с ord sea pow I

bance sidney albert muse pow f

banthorp gordon james marine kia.01.03.42

bartel Wallace garnet milliken ord sea pow I

bartholomew gaylhorne ord sea pow 1

barton sidney a ab pow 1

batchelor william a stole pow

beadle denis mark sub lieut pow

beasley ronald eraSc kia 27.02.42

beaugle raymond g Idg sea pow

beckford william georgewarrant mechanic pow

bell waiter ab pow

bennett george cmech pow

bennett george ab pow

bennett norman John mauricesub lieut(e) pow

berry peter oa4c pow

best arthur j Idg sto pow

best richard Idg sea pow

beswick george a cpo pow

betenson sidney h g егаЗс pow

beveridge andrew d musician pow

bickle kenneth james steward pow f

binns william harold Idg sea kia 01.03.42

bircumshaw frederick ab pow f

bird charlcs godfrey lieut kia 01.03.42

bird james campbell ab pow f

bishop archibald yeoman of the signals pow 1 clarence james

black james r cook s pow 1

black John d Idg sto pow I

blackwell edward waiter Joseph po airman pow I

blain roberl geoffrcy lieut[e] pow I

blatherwick william j ab pow 1

bond alfred John cook о pow f

bond ernest a ab pow 1

boole harold marine pow f

bowden John w po pow I

bowen aubrey a ab pow I

bowen hubert j h ord sea pow I

bowen william george stole kia 27.02.42

bradford Stanley 1 ab pow 1

bradley Joseph douglas Idg air fitter e pow f

bradshaw reginald j master at arms pow 1 bradshaw-donisthorpe anthony russell ord sea pow 1

brakewell george boylc pow I

bramham alfred george sba kia 01.03.42

bray thomas seth sto po kia 27.02.42

brewer william george henry stole pow f

bridges frederick r ab pow 1

brighouse james stole pow f

brightman harold lawrence marine pow f

britton douglas corp pow 1

broad donald stole pow 1

brook herbert eric ab pow f

brooks bartholomew j Idg air fitter pow I

brougham patrick lieut obs pow I

broughton charles ab pow 1

broughton william e d ord sea pow I

brown george w a po pow 1

brown kenneth george ab pow I

brown reginald ab pow 1

bryan Sydney ord tele pow f

bryant vivian g e stole pow 1

buck harry stole pow 1

buckle John terence band corp pow f

burch arthur james po tele pow f

burrows william george ladbrook po tele pow f

burston Stanley jack marine kia 01.03.42

butcher david ab pow f

butterfield dennis Idg cook s pow I

cable arthur r ord tele pow 1

cadger John b ord sea pow 1

callega ugo cook о pow 1

callister aifred ab kia 01.03.42

cameron william james Idg sea kia 01.03.42

campbell allan marine pow f

campbell John alexander ab pow I

cardwell reginald richard edward cook asst о pow f

carne arthur m егаЗс pow 1

came ernest george lucas cook s kia 01.03.42

carr charles donald ab pow f

carr thomas shipwright 4c kia 01.03.42

carruthers len gordon ab pow I

carter John h Idg tele pow 1

carlwright william sgt pow I

case John h ab ' pow 1

cassell kenneth ab pow 1

castle raymond douglas ab pow f

castro george william po pow f

catherwood thomas g air fitter a pow I

cawley patrick Joseph stole pow I

cayzer alfred e g musician pow 1

chaffe I cant asst pow 1

chandler richard charles frederick егаЗс pow 1

channon gordon allan air fitter a pow f

chapman arthur t stole pow 1

chapman henry marine pow 1

cheyne richard w corp pow 1

chisholm frederick noel sig pow f

Christian albert e ab pow I

christie Sydney cook s pow 1

Christopher ronald francis stole pow f

christopherson harold a po pow 1

chubb david william early lieut pow 1

chubb edwin Joseph lieut cmdr[s] pow I

chubb leonard j ab pow 1

churchward cyril j painter3c pow 1

clamp Joseph william Idg sig pow f

clare harry stole pow 1

clark keith hood fergusson* mid pow 1

clarke pow 1

clasby John w Idg sea pow I

clay leslie everett marine pow 1

clayton george marine pow I

elements frank e canteen manager pow 1

climie william ord sig pow I

cloke charles j Idg sto pow 1

clune norman w ab pow 1

cockerell waller g Idg tele pow 1

collier pow 1

collins clement wilfred stole kia 27.02.42

collins kenneth ord art4c pow I

conwell Cornelius ab pow f

cook t ea pow 1

cooper frederick era pow 1

cooper tyndale lieut cmdr dco pow 1

cooper leslie boylc pow-1

copperthwaite frederick stole kia 27.02.42

cork samuel henry Idg sto pow f

corlett thomas a stole pow 1

cory william edward sto po pow f

cowdall leslie marine pow f

cowell Stanley philip tele pow f

cox harry marine kia 27.02.42

craig george ab pow I

crane herbert w air art pow 1

cranefield philip garton sub lieut pm pow 1

cranwell wilfred benedict cpo supply pow f

craven cyril hector ab pow f

crocker george Isaac csto pow

crocker william h stole pow

cronin John patrick wireman pow

cross hugh ab pow

cross ivor g h ab pow

crump ronald charles Idg air craftsman pow

currie hugh marine kia 01.03.42

cuthbert John coder pow I

dadds thomas f marine pow 1

dalgleish william oa4c pow

daniel russell h stole pow

darley george a r stole pow

davies e h Idg stores asst pow

davies g sto pow

davies Stanley gordon marine pow

davis glyn e stew pow

davis william r Idg sea pow

dawson george t ab pow 1

day harry j ord sea pow 1

dean wilfred e ab pow I

dee david boy pow 1

deere denis peters ab pow f

desvergez francis pierre louis ab pow f

devlin george ord sig pow 1

devlin John sto pow 1

diggle herbert cpo pow I

dixie frederick ab pow 1

dixon frederick Idg cook s pow I

dixon waiter ab pow 1

dobson John ord sig pow 1

dodds andrew k marine pow 1

dodsworth phillip a ord sea pow 1

donaldson thomas ab pow 1

donnelly thomas r stole pow 1

drake arthur hamilton cmdr eng off pow 1

drinkwater william oalc pow 1

driscoll John featherstone Idg wireman pow f

drysdale george Idg sea pow 1

duffy thomas ab pow 1

dunbar thomas fraser cpo writer pow 1

dunlevy william richard po pow 1

dyos waiter j marine pow 1

earlam donald marine pow f

echlin Joshua po steward kia 01.03.42

eddey william a cea pow 1

edsworlhy d j cant asst pow I

edwards eric ab pow 1

edwards j pow 1

edwards wilfred j reg po pow 1

ellis sydney stole pow 1

emmett Stephen a stole pow 1

endicott Joseph ord sea pow 1

erridgc percy albert stole pow 1

eustace reginald h ab pow 1

evans g e marine pow I

evans gordon m marine pow 1 evans robert george Idg supply asst kia 01.03,42

evans samuel 1 stole pow 1

evans thomas h Idg sea pow 1

evans waiter k marine pow

evans william e Idg sto pow

eynon william j po pow

fairhurst henry sto pow

fallaick ronald e с sto po pow

fallow alexander Idg sea pow

farren charles edward thomas wo eng pow

faulkner william frederick barnett mid pow

fear frank ab pow

fennell eric rodney ab pow

ferry peter ab pow

finn thomas hilton mid pow

finnie george m wireman pow

fitchett horace r ab pow

fitzgerald gerald o"connell chaplain pow

fleming michael ab kia 01.03.42

forbes alexander s boylc pow

ford с ord sea pow

fordham george a marine pow

formhals frederick w cera pow

fortune ivan lawrence ord sig pow

foster James a air fitter о pow

fowler george w marine pow

fox robert horace irwin po pow

francis martin william ab pow

francis thomas henry eric ab f

francis william thomas stole pow I

fulford leonard John ordinary sea pow f

gale percy clr sgt pow f

garrioch robert marine pow I

garrityjohn ab pow 1

gaskell h george stole pow 1

gates stuart ord sea pow 1

geach bevil j mechlc pow 1

geake donald w oa5c pow 1

gibbons reginald g ab pow 1

gibbs francis g sto po pow I

gibson robert d ord sea pow I

gillibanks harold joiner 4c pow 1

ginders bruce ord sig pow I

glover albert t marine pow 1

goff george h cpo pow 1

goodman lawrence james po pow f

gordon arthur ab kia 01.03.42

gordon Oliver louden capt со pow 1

gorman nicholas stole kia 01.03.42

goss frederick a stole pow 1

gould Sidney arlhur po sb pow 1

graham robert ab pow 1

grant douglas g oa5c pow 1

green alfred edward ab pow f

green henry de wet csto pow f

green kenneth aubrey townsend mid pow 1

green samuel ab pow 1

greenhill John david marine pow f

greenwood Joseph ab pow I

gregg James ord sea pow 1

gregory william ab pow 1

grenfell cyril donovan ab pow 1

griffin anthony Idg sea pow 1

griffiths morris w h Idg sto pow 1

griffiths william e ab pow I

grima paul stew pow 1

grimshaw herbert ab pow f

guy william Stanley coder pow I

gwilliam david j boy pow 1

haggett douglas charles marine pow 1

haley ronald ab pow 1

hall roy stole pow 1

hall thomas po pow f

halletl stuart percival ab kia 01.03.42

hamblyn james p Idg sea pow 1

hamilton w h Idg sea pow 1

hand james cyril po pow f

hand Stanley pow I

hannaford frederick John csto pow f

hannaford victor f shipwt4c pow 1

hannam John p ab pow 1

harding james w f oa2c pow 1

harding william edwin wt shipwt pow 1

hargreaves hubert Jackson ab kia 01.03.42 harkness james percy knowles lieut cmdr pm pow I

Harris frank muse pow f

harris Sidney John cook pow f

harris w ab pow 1

hartley william a band corp pow 1

harvcy harry csto pow f

harwood thomas t wireman pow 1

hawkey albert cpo supply pow 1

haworth norman ab pow 1

hayes francis edward stores po pow f

hazell frank e Idg sea pow 1

hegney james henry ab pow 1

hennessey ronald j wireman pow 1

henson arthur peter ab pow f

henwood harry marine pow I

hibbert donald ord sea pow 1

hicks John a cook s pow 1

higman mark edward war ord off pow 1

hill francis ab pow 1

hitchens richard mcc po pow 1

hocking leonard james ab pow f

hodder kennelh richard wireman pow 1

hodge Christopher gwynne ab pow 1

holborn robert stole . pow f

hollis george w stole pow 1

holt j ab pow I

honeywill reginald j marine pow 1

horn robert ord sig pow 1

horsefall I h stew pow!

horwell victor albert ab pow 1

howarth h ab pow I

howell edward r ab pow 1

hudson frank ab pow I

hudson mark ab pow f

hudson roland keith lieut cmdr navi pow I

hudson sydney stole pow 1

huggon david e era4c pow 1

hughes owen n ord sea pow 1

hulin donald 1 ab pow 1

Humphreys thomas j po pow 1

Humphries james marine pow f

hunt ansell thomas ab kia 01.03.42

hurden reginald s • shipwl4c pow f

hutcheson hugh anthony lieut pow 1

hyde albert j ab pow 1

ings John rupert ab pow f

innes harry Idg sto pow I

irvine george h boy tele pow 1

irwin martin a ord sea pow 1

Jackson alfred samuel oa4c pow 1

Jackson richard t sto2c pow 1

Jackson thomas sto2c pow I

jaffe naphtali ord sig pow I

jagger herbert william corp pow f

james george edward stole kia 27.02.42

Jefferson george stole pow f

jeffery ralph Idg sto pow 1

Jeffrey frederick alfred po pow f

Jeffreys frank e ab pow I

jeffs harold thomas french ab pow f

Jenkins albert с era pow 1

Jenkins francis raymond ab pow f

Jenkins r ord sea pow

Jenkins william a marine pow

Jeremiah david ord sea pow

Jewell derek barrington lieut[met] kiaOl.03.42

John james edward wo gun pow

Johns william edward coa pow

Johnston eric ord sea pow 1

jolmstone g с stole pow 1

johnstone james m mechlc pow 1

jones benjamin g ord sea pow 1

jones charles w cook s pow 1

jones d sto pow 1

jones douglas h stole pow 1

jones edward с musician pow 1

jones frederick stole pow I

jones lewis d stole pow 1

jones г sto pow 1

jones г 1 ord sea pow 1

Jones rees lloyd stole pow f

jones robert sba pow 1

jones robert m ab pow 1

jones ronald p marine pow 1

jones thomas Joseph handel ab kia 01.03.42

Jordan reginald h ab pow 1

jowett sydney ab pow 1

kavanaugh henry Idg sea pow 1

kay james stole kia27.02.42

kaye george h corp pow I

keelan John stole pow I

keenan Joseph sto po pow f

keets h с ord sea pow 1

kelly henry arthur ab pow f

kelsall samuel Idg sto pow 1

kendrick thomas j Idg sto pow 1

kerr alexander william lieut pm pow 1

kerr mark william brownrigg lieut pow 1

key robert mcc ord tele pow 1

king alfred Idg sto pow 1

king alfred thomas musician pow 1

king John era4c pow 1

king victor s clr sgt pow 1

kirk harold ab pow 1

kirkham louis sto po pow f

kitto charles edwin cant asst pow f

knapman wilfred donald ab kia 01.03.42

knowles alexander cook s pow 1

amb harry ab pow 1

amb william corp kia 27 02 42

ambert albert t blacksmith 2c pow 1

ane william j sto po pow I

ang thomas fuller ab pow 1

angford elwyn ab pow I

angmead percival j h stole pow 1

angridge basil frederick jack ab pow f

ansley alan edward james cpo stew pow f ast frederick j sailmakers mate pow

auterback frank ab pow 1

laxton robert james csto kia 01 03 42

lee leonard г ab pow I

leir richard hugh mid pow 1

letheby william a marine pow 1

lewis a ab pow 1

lewis albert harold stole pow 1

lewis arthur g Idg sto pow 1

lewis ernest marine pow I

lewis francis h ab , pow I

lewis kenneth t ord sea pow I

lewis william p Idg sea pow 1

lindsay william ab pow 1

linscott leonard j оаЗс pow 1 lipscomb eric streatifield lieut cmdr torp off pow 1

little frederick po pow 1

longworth eric ea pow 1

macfarlane John wilson Idg sea pow f

mackie william Johnston ab kia 01.03.42

maddamsj ab pow 1

maidment alfred g sto2c pow I

maker 1 j plumber pow 1

maker norman sgt pow f

malbon eric г marine pow 1

mallett william george ab pow f

markham edward a marine pow 1

marriage gilbert edward cant asst pow 1

marriott william k s ab pow I

mason ernest a ab pow 1

massey edward stole pow f

maule John marine pow 1

maunder leslie philip ab pow f

maybury Stanley russell sto po pow f

mcannulty james stole pow 1

mccahon John hamilton capt со rm pow 1

mccarthy francis henry po pow 1

mcclure g r era pow 1

mcconville John marine pow 1

mccourty wilfred b ab pow 1

mcdonald ernest arthur ab pow f

mcdonald thomas m ord sea pow 1

mcewan charles ord sig kia 01.03.42

racginty francis george ab pow 1

mcglynn Joseph a po pow 1

mcgowan edward stole pow Г

mcgraw w h a tele pow 1

mckenzic royce ea4c pow f

mckerney terence ord sea pow I

mckinley james d sto po pow I

mclaughlin francis h corp pow 1

mclean frank ab pow 1

mcnce peter ab pow 1

mcshane francis bertrand ab pow f

meacock kenneth stole pow f

meckin william h ord sea pow 1

melia j sto po pow 1

mercer william h ab pow 1

meredith James william Idg sto kia 01.03.42

melz archibald frederick stole pow f

micalcff andrcw stew pow 1

middieton kenneih william ab pow f

middleweek ronald John stole pow f

milbiirn charles ab pow 1

miles cyril marine pow I miller charles edward cpo cook s kia 01.03.42

millington james cook s pow 1

milchell eric t p joiner pow 1

moar gordon boylc pow I

moore John william cook asst s pow f

morgan herbert 1 marine pow 1

morgan Stanley lewis Idg sto kia 27.02.42

morris Jeffrey michael grave ord sig pow f

morris John hinklin Idg tele pow f

morris ronald ord sea pow 1

morrison alexander f ord sea pow 1

morrow samuel boy 1 с pow 1

mort archibald j sto po pow 1

morlimore arthur ernest marine powf

morion frederick boylc pow I

mountstfvens william henry james stoic pow f

muldoon Clifford csto kia 27 02 42

mullock alfred ab pow 1

murch edward charles ab pow f

murphy colman h boy tele pow 1

mutter reginald f corp pow 1

mutton william henry csto pow Г

nail george ord sea pow 1

naisbitt bright ab pow 1

newman horace edward george cpo tele pow 1

newton sto pow I

nicholl hugh boylc pow 1

nichols frank corp kia 01 03 42

nichols frank Oswald ab pow f

norris Stanley k era4c pow I

o"connell henry sto pow 1

o"hare thomas p ord sea pow 1

o"neill eugene Idg sto pow 1

o"shaughnessey leonard ab pow I

o"sullivan lawrence ab pow 1

oakes ernest po pow f

ogrady owen stole pow I

Oliver John e ord tele pow 1

osborne vivian e sto po pow 1

overnall george h ab pow 1

owen thomas william oa4c pow 1

paddon waiter po pow 1

palmer albert h slo po pow 1

palser Sydney era4c kia 01 03 42

paris charles asst stew pow I

park louis cook asst s pow 1

park william j a era4c pow 1

parkinson maurice ab pow f

parkyn leslie william ab pow f

parmenter John cyril ab pow f parsons arthur charles robert ord sea kia 01.03.42

parsons henry frederick ab pow f

pass cyril ab pow 1

pearce k j ab pow 1

pearson edward ramsay boy tele pow f

peevor Christopher j g ab pow 1

pelligrini e Idg stew pow 1

pengelly harry ab pow 1

penney clarence ab pow I

percy william с stole pow 1

pert william ab pow f

peters frederick henry ordinary sea pow f

philip david claude Idg sto pow f

phillips royden с ab pow 1

phillips w s w po pow 1 phillips william thomas yeoman of the signals pow f

phythian Joseph stole pow f

pickering arnold ab pow I

porter John george ab pow f

porter k ab pow 1

potter John francis lieut ins pow I

power norman hickey sub lieut pow 1

powlesland alfred boylc pow I

preece bernard John sgt pow 1

preston frederick ord sea pow 1

prior thomas henry Idg sea pow f

pullen Joseph a stoic pow 1

purdy george h ord sea pow 1

purnell John r Idg sea pow 1

purves alexander g . stole pow 1

queen g ab pow I

rae robert John mid pow 1

rainey samuel stole pow f

ranee ernest roy ab pow f

rendle John richard Idg cook s pow I

reynolds harold ab pow 1

rice francis leo Idg sig pow f

richards william. h joiner 3c pow 1

richardson hector duplessis cmdr xo pow 1

richmond alexander ab pow f

riggs reginald h cpo pow 1

riley william sto po pow f

robbins John s Idg sto pow 1

roberts charles j era4c pow 1

roberts frederick stole pow f

robins Joseph с era pow I

roe John a ab pow 1

rogan william g ab pow I

rogers Joseph william marine pow f

rook cyril ab pow 1

roome david gordon mid pow 1

ross Stephen с boylc pow 1

rowland kenneth с ab pow I

rowse Joseph a cecil supply asst pow 1

ruddick charles Idg sea pow 1

ruse roy s с сега pow 1

russell james frederick ea4c pow f

ryalls david noel lieut cmdr surgeon pow f

Sanders gordon po cook s kia 01.03.42

saunders albert edward po pow F

savage james boy pow 1

savage roberl boylc pow 1

scannell david sto po kia 01.03.42

schofield norman tele pow 1

scripps terence austin ab pow f

scudamore cecil с Idg supply asst pow 1

seaward Hoyd ab pow 1

sharpley t boy pow 1

shaw arthur b boy pow 1

shaw herbert Idg sea pow f

shaw John marine pow 1

shawcross wilfrcd era4c pow 1

shellcy george gilbert wo gun pow 1

sherratt Clifford william ab pow f

shilton robert percy po tele pow f

shipman ian francis george ord sig pow 1

shirley allan yeoman of the signals pow 1

short gerald bartlett ab pow f

skelton rupert j егаЗс pow I

small fg po powl

smart sidney j ab pow 1

smith cyril ab pow 1

smith eugene p ab pow 1

smith horatio John Idg sto kia 01.03.42

smith John k sto po pow I

smith John w g ab pow I

smith kenneth r boy pow I

smith leslie spurrell cook о pow f

smith maurice arthur wo elect pow 1

smith ralph ab kia 01 03 42

smith robert a m boy pow

smith thomas sto2c pow

smith w s cook о pow

smith william mcr Idg sto pow

sole arthur 1 ord sea pow

soper gcorge sydney norman cera pow

souter farquhar ab pow

southworth eric sub lieut pow

spalle r e era pow 1

spear philip mid pow 1

spendlove aubrey j marine pow 1

spice albert percy marine kia 27.02.42

spicer richard k po pow 1

squire albert v Idg sea pow 1

stansworth Joseph Idg wireman pow I

staunton harold boy pow 1

steele wiltiam j cpo cook s pow I

slephenson william marine pow I

Stevens leonard ab pow f

Stewart James h ord sea pow

stone bernard о b ab pow

1 stone harold ab pow

stott geoffrey holt boylc pow

stringfellow william ab pow

stubbs peter george ab pow f

studley ernest w g Idg sto pow 1

summers harold henry po cook s kia 01.03.42

sutton george ord sea pow 1

sutton george Oliver marine pow f

sutlon william edward Idg sto kia 0] .03.42

swinfield albert edward boy sea pow 1

symons harold e shipwt pow 1

syms malcolm henry lieut xo rm pow 1

tabb clive w j marine pow 1

tait robert . ord sea pow 1

tallon leslie b ord sea pow I

taylor thomas t sba pow 1

thorn allan duncan ab pow f

thomas david lewis stores supply asst pow f

thomas frederick h marine pow 1

thomas idris ord sea pow I

thomas owen m boy pow 1

thomas Stanley muse pow 1

thomason george henry po tele pow 1

thompson Christopher g ord tele pow 1

thompson david g t stoic pow 1

thompson John henry ab pow f

thompson thomas stole pow I

thyer william f ab pow 1

tidy george horace lieut sp br pow I

till ernest h j boylc pow 1

tilton james p ab pow 1

timberly harry t marine pow 1

timpson alexander ord sea pow 1

ttndall arthur horace wiliiam ord sea pow 1

tink william sto po pow f

tombs f f po air art pow 1

tombs John w d ord sea pow I

toole Joseph stole pow 1

totterdell ronald t f stole pow 1

townesend green kenneih aubrey mid pow 1

tozer rupert peter shipwright 3c pow 1

trahair thomas stole pow f

trenerry edmund John sto po pow f

tripp cyril sig pow 1

trueman waiter edward sto po kia 01.03.42

truscott reginald charles Idg sea pow f

tuckett douglas henry hamblyn supply pow 1

turner jack po pow 1

turner lewis arthur po pow f

turner robert j ord sea pow I twiss frank roddam It cmdr gunnery officer pow 1

tyack william j ab pow I

uniake michael sto po pow f

upton george w Idg sto pow 1

upton leslie george ord sea kia27.02.42

venner peter ord sea pow 1

vesey francis michael sto po pow f

vidler victor harold band masler2c pow f

wagner richard james ord sig pow 1

walker harold d ab pow 1

walker Stanley g ab pow 1

Wallace george w marine pow 1

walsh vincent francis cmdr surg pow 1

waiters Joseph r marine pow 1

ward william benson stole kia 01.03.42

warner alfred h marine pow 1

watson harry Idg sto pow 1

webb george w Idg stew pow I

weeks william arthur ea4c kia 01.03.42

wells edgar ab pow I

welsh John p ab pow I

west albert edward cera pow f

west frederick w с sto2c pow 1

west kenneth h v boy pow 1

westcott sydney ord sea pow 1

westhuizen van der John william ord sea pow 1

westwood albert w ab pow 1

wheeldon robert sto2c pow 1

whelan kevin s ord sea pow I

white John wo gun pow 1

white ronald I marine pow 1

white william p stole pow 1

Whitehall alfred era4c pow 1

whitehead harry ab pow f

whiting kenneth george Idg sea pow 1

whorewood cyril Idg wireman pow 1

witde alfred james steward pow f

wilkin douglas havard muse pow f

Wilkinson John stole pow 1

wilkinson roy ian stew pow 1

willcock williara f po pow 1

willcocks charles h Idg sto pow 1

willetts henry ab pow f

williams james a stole powl

williams victor george ab pow Г

wilsmore frank sb po pow 1

wilson frederick с shipwr4c pow 1

wilson george j ab pow 1

wilson r a wireman pow 1

wood charles ab pow 1

wood richard kerslake schoolmaster pow 1

woodall ernest e d stole pow 1

wooding george charles harris ab pow f

wooding j boy powl

woods james ab pow 1

woolfenden george marine pow f

worden harry tele pow f

worrall dennis ab pow 1

worrall george supply asst pow 1

worrall thomas stoic pow 1

worthington Herbert wireman pow 1

wright bertram с cea pow 1

wright james ab pow 1

wright г ab pow 1

wrighl robert ab pow f

wrigley winston era4c pow 1

wyatt John cameron lieut surgeon pow 1

wyatt william g po pow 1

youdan geoffrey John po pow f

young george r boy pow 1

youngs John ab pow 1

zammitt stew pow I